The Five Steps To Self Realization – ( PART 1 of 5 )

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The Five Steps To Self Realization – ( PART 1 of 5 )

You are realization itself. It is your real nature.
The reason I’m sharing these five steps with you is because the five steps are part of the personal self.
The ego, the I-thought, the five steps are involved in them.
When we work on the five steps in the relative world we become ourselves, awakened and free.

The first step is: Prayer and devotion.
The second step is: Effortless No-Thought State.
The third step is: Division of Light and Sound.
The fourth step is: The Void, and,
The fifth step is: Bliss.

We’ll begin with the first step.
In the beginning when one first starts out on the path and even when one is on the path for quite a while, prayer and meditation or prayer and devotion are very important.
You become devoted to God who is within you and you pray to God within yourself.
You must therefore begin to totally surrender, give up everything to God, forget about your troubles, forget about the world, just give it up.

~Robert Adams – T98: The Five Steps To Self Realization


The Five Steps To Self Realization - ( PART 1 of 5 )

CREDIT: Houry Shaghoyan – ‎Facebook

FaceBook-Houry Shaghoyan

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