Only Consciousness Exists

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Only Consciousness Exists

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If you want the answer to any problem, do not run to a psychiatrist, or a lawyer, or even a doctor, but sit by yourself and listen.
Yourself has all the answers. Why?
For every atom of the universe is within you.
You are that. You are the entire universe.
You are the microcosm in the macrocosm.
Therefore all the answers in the universe must also be in you.
All of the solutions, all of the wisdom, all of the happiness and bliss you’ve been searching for, it’s within you.

That’s what Jesus meant when he said, “I and my Father are one,”
and also, “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.”
He wasn’t talking about a person called the Father.
He was talking about a universal principal of harmony, of bliss, of joy. He was speaking of consciousness.
It’s within you. It is you. You are that. You have always been that.
It isn’t far away. It’s right where you are.
And as you sit in the silence, and think of these things, you will begin to realize something very interesting.

You will begin to realize and understand, “Well, if my body is consciousness, it cannot be a body, for it cannot be both. It cannot be consciousness and my body.
So it’s duality.”
So as you start to think about the word consciousness in the silence, it is revealed to you that you have no body.
There is only consciousness. And it doesn’t seem strange at all.
For when you begin to understand and fathom what consciousness really is you will realize it is self contained.

Consciousness knows only consciousness.
It doesn’t know the universe. It doesn’t know bodies.
It doesn’t know problems. It doesn’t know wars.
It doesn’t know man’s inhumanity to man.
It doesn’t know anything you know.
It only knows itself as pure awareness.
And as you sit by yourself in the silence this becomes perfectly clear.
And all of a sudden the realization comes to you, “I have no problems.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the world.
There is nothing going on. There is only consciousness.”

There are not two worlds. There is not the world of the body, and the world of the universe, and the world of your problems and affairs, and also the world of consciousness.
There is only consciousness and you are that.
Just listening to this sets you free.
It sets you free from all doubt and limitation.
You begin to feel immortality.
You begin to understand that you were never born.
How can consciousness be born?
And if you were never born how can you die? What dies?
Well, some of you say, “The body,” but I tell you there is no body who dies.
There is just nobody home.
There never was a body, there is no body, and there never will be a body.

Robert Adams -T. 40 -Only Consciousness Exists –
31st January, 1991

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Only Consciousness Exists


SOURCE: Houry Shaghoyan – Facebook

FaceBook-Houry Shaghoyan

Is Everything Preordained?

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Is Everything Preordained?

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Emptiness is realization. Emptiness is Brahman.
Emptiness is the Self. Emptiness is your real nature.

The important point here is you have to stop the thoughts from rising.
In order for you to do this you have to find the source to your thoughts.
What is the source of your thoughts?
You never answer a question like this.
For if you answer this question it’s the ego answering the question.

The whole idea is to be silent.
Not to add affirmations or words to your garbage pail.
It is already filled with garbage.

By garbage I mean, preconceived ideas, dogmas, opinions, samskaras from previous lives, you’re filled with these things and you are a reacting machine, you react, that is what you do all day is react, react, react.

Therefore when you try to learn more knowledge and you read more books all you’re doing is adding on to the garbage pail.
Of course most of you realize, the highest truth is to delete, not to add.
To get rid of the things you believe in now.
So empty yourself out totally and completely.
All of your ideas, your feelings, all have to be emptied out of you.
When you become totally and completely empty there is nothing you have to do to fill it up again.

Emptiness is realization. Emptiness is Brahman.
Emptiness is the Self. Emptiness is your real nature.
So do not concern yourself whether the world is real or if everything is preordained.
Do not waste your time thinking about things like this.

Wouldn’t it be more useful for you to say, “To whom do these thoughts come?
Who is thinking these thoughts?
To whom do they come? They come to me.
Then who am I?” I tell you this will be more useful for you.

You’ve been wasting your time trying to find out what is real, what is false,
who is enlightened, who is not, who is real, who is a fake, who is this, who is that and trying to make your life a certain way when the one is always looking after you.
The power that knows the way will always take care of you and lead you to where you’re supposed to be.
Wake up! Be free!

~Robert Adams – Is Everything Preordained?

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Robert Adams - Is Everything Preordained?

SOURCE: Houry Shaghoyan – Facebook

FaceBook-Houry Shaghoyan

The Five Steps To Self Realization – ( PART 1 of 5 )

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The Five Steps To Self Realization – ( PART 1 of 5 )

You are realization itself. It is your real nature.
The reason I’m sharing these five steps with you is because the five steps are part of the personal self.
The ego, the I-thought, the five steps are involved in them.
When we work on the five steps in the relative world we become ourselves, awakened and free.

The first step is: Prayer and devotion.
The second step is: Effortless No-Thought State.
The third step is: Division of Light and Sound.
The fourth step is: The Void, and,
The fifth step is: Bliss.

We’ll begin with the first step.
In the beginning when one first starts out on the path and even when one is on the path for quite a while, prayer and meditation or prayer and devotion are very important.
You become devoted to God who is within you and you pray to God within yourself.
You must therefore begin to totally surrender, give up everything to God, forget about your troubles, forget about the world, just give it up.

~Robert Adams – T98: The Five Steps To Self Realization


The Five Steps To Self Realization - ( PART 1 of 5 )

CREDIT: Houry Shaghoyan – ‎Facebook

FaceBook-Houry Shaghoyan